‘‘Outcropedia’’ http://outcropedia.tectask.org is an initiative, sponsored by TecTask, with the aim of making a continuously growing, central, public database of the most important and magnificent outcrops in the world. This has two main purposes:
(1) to make outcrops in unfamiliar places known and accessible to other geologist who would like to organise field trips, study particular structures in excellent exposure or set up new cooperative research projects.
(2) to increase protection of our geological heritage. Many beautiful outcrops are threatened by road building, housing estates or otherwise permanently damaged because the geological importance of the site is simply unknown outside the Earth Science community.
Outcropedia is presently accessible as a web site where the database of outcrops can be seen in GoogleMaps, with short explanations and photographs, and where new outcrops can be entered after registering on the site. We feel that a database like Outcropedia can be a great tool to promote structural geology and would like to invite all readers of the Journal of Structural Geology to contribute material. Please do not hesitate to contact us to suggest sites for Outcropedia.
Details at http://outcropedia.tectask.org.
There are new outcropedia smartphone apps (for ios and android). Users can upload georeferenced outcrop photos and descriptions directly from the field. To install this app just follow these links: